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Malaysia’s historically British education system has been combined with state efforts at modernization and support of global competitiveness and there nearly half of STEM researchers are women (UIS, 2015). Despite this, executive-level female employees in a Malaysian multinational company indicated that family structure and women’s commitment to family were the most significant barriers to women’s career progression (Ismail & Ibrahim, 2008). These findings corroborate other analyses of Malaysian women in managerial roles and of Malaysian computer scientists, wherein a specific, well-understood construct of female identity had to be reconciled with academic career aspirations to enable success (Lagesen, 2008; Luke, 2002; Mellström, 2009)

Research Team: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Table including stats about Malaysia.Area: 329,740 square kilometersPopulation: 28 millionPrinciple Language: Bahasa Malay & EnglishGDPPC: $15,116Comparable to: New Mexico (314,915 square kilometers)
Map of Malaysia with locator pin at University Technology Malaysia
Map of Malaysia